SECTOR can provide training at your location or ours!
*Courses not limited to what is shown below. Contact Us.

Adult Learning is our specialty. We serve the businesses by understanding what the true need is and being flexible within the business parameters. We prepare employees to create a mutually beneficial working relationship.
Business Etiquette
How to attain and keep clients
How to get a job and keep one
Diversity Training
Leadership and Effective Communication
How to create common sense
Basic Skills Development

A commonly underrated career fits all types of personalities. We at SECTOR have been in the construction industry for over two decades. We understand the need for compliance, quality, communication and skills training.
Pre-Apprentice & Apprentice programs
Journeyman programs
Revit and 3D CAD
OSHA compliance
Subcontractor Orientation
Operations (estimating, bidding, project management, field)
Blueprint Reading
Train-the-Trainer (NCCER)

Human Resources
A growing company sometimes doesn't make the time to properly train and introduce new employees to the working environment, exit interviews are missed and new management can take a toll. Having a good orientation process in place can be critical.
Create video orientations
Voice-overs and Video rebranding
Conflict Resolution
Diversity Training
Behavior Based Safety
Leadership vs Management

Creating a lean environment is an essential method of manufacturing, fabrication and distribution. Good processes, safety and flow increase productivity, decrease rejections and create a happy working environment.
ISO 9000 series
Six Sigma
Core Tools
Warehouse safety
Blueprint Reading and GD&T
Leadership & Effective communication
Quality Control
Testing procedures (including NDT)

Safety & Security
Most of us want to work in a safe environment or live in a safe home. Protecting yourself, your family and workplace affects the community in its entirety.
Professional Security Officer
Defense against Personal Attacks
Defense against Firearms Threats
Edged Weapon Defense
Ground Fighting Concepts
Protecting Your Home
First Responder

Understand EPA requirements vs how to simply organize your home, office or life in a sustainable manner to recycle materials, save money, increase financial gain and simply do the right thing.
Purchasing habits
Facilities management
Waste stream auditing
Operating expense reduction
Tax reduction
LEED accreditation

Oil & Gas
As of 2018, Texas dominates the nation in the production and distribution of oil & natural gas. Production has become more efficient, but the regulations are still stringent.
Safeland (Oil & Gas safety)
OSHA compliance (including OTI)
OQ Evaluations (NCCER)
Confined Space
Drive to zero incidents
Process safety management
Management of Change
Skills training (hydraulic, pneumatic, etc)

Medical and Healthcare
The healthcare and medical fields are growing rapidly and integration with international professionals in compliance is critical.
Medical School Prep
Medical Assistant
ESL (English as a second language)
Dental Assistant
Personal Fitness & Wellness
Veterinary Assistant
Medical Terminology